Category Archives: weeknotes

Weeknotes – catching up

I’ve been a little lax in catching up with week notes. Apart from running about the place, I’ve been diving into Perl and shell scripting to visualise some log files. It looks like there are some new avenues to go with it. The major project was getting Open Correspondence project back up with some help […]

Weeknotes – Realtime conferring with correspondence

This week has been a slightly odd one in that I’ve been at a couple of conferences, the Digital Research conference (#digres) and the Research Software Engineers workshop. In the other couple of days, I started looking at pipelines including Storm and Akka. Part of it got me writing patches but I still have a […]

Weeknotes – viewing data

Although I’ve been on holiday this week and spent a fair amount of time in the garden, weeding and getting some Vitamin D via the sun. Anyhow, I’ve been getting more into visualisation for a few potential projects. As I’ve been writing up in another (as yet unpublished) post, I’ve been working with Raphael rather […]

Weeknotes – Scripting and scraping

It has been a while since I last posted a week note, so I thought I would try and get back in the habit. I’ve been involved in glueing together profiling tools to run so that I can have a vaguely generic framework to profile software at the IO level and the CPU level. Shell […]

Weeknotes: Testing and documentation

It has been a slightly quiet week but one in which I have been working on the quieter parts of development – testing and documentation. I was helping out some colleagues by testing some existing code this week. not because I do not have any thing to do but because they are woking on something […]

Weeknotes: Open Correspondence and TextCamp

It has been a while since I’ve written a weeknote. Must get back into the habit. Open Correspondence Development on the Open Correspondence project has been slow to stalled for a while. I have been doing bits and pieces but sitting down with Mark McGillivray of Cottage Labs and the Open Knowledge Foundation, brought some […]

Weeknotes: Documents and data

The main project this week (apart from hte onging one of moving and virtualising servers) is to begin work on our technical documents. I’m trying to move them onto the web and make the useful, not only in terms of reading about them but also to make them linkable. I’m trying to get them out […]

Weeknotes: Drupal, NoSQL and data

It has been an interesting week which  I would rather forget. However I am not and it made me rethink quite a few assumptions. On the plus side, I’ve managed to write some of the documentation for the portal and map the processes which need to be coded next week. The major thing that I […]

JISCMail to migrate to new platform

I see from Twitter that JISCMail announced that they have funding for another year which is a good thing (in the Sellars and Yeats sense). It does mention that they are migrating onto a new platform (though it is inferred keeping the current mail system) but does not mention what this might be. The statement […]

Weeknotes: Storing and cleaning data

This week has been soft launching a CRM system for the Janet project. Hopefully these would be just user bugs but it has highlighted some interesting data cleaning issues. These are going to be inherent in the exchange of data between two or more systems, especially when one is a long-term pre-existing one. This has […]