Category Archives: weeknotes


It’s been a while. I did submit my first grant but unsuccessfully. I can take that on board for future. I did write a lightweight scraper for the Internet Archive to do some digging around after getting some files for a sonification project. I also updated some Scopus and Crossref scripts to query for a […]

Weeknotes: Proposals

I submitted my first proposal this week. I am hopeful (or I would not have submitted) but it has brought things into focus. I do not want to say anything else yet but it has clarified a few things and directions. I now need to finish some other work – as the Audio Mostly deadline […]

Weeknote: AARs and patterns in audio

I’ve been wrapping bits and pieces of the HackRF base app to have some fun. One of the challenges was updating some old code in the AAR that needed a new flag. Next up is to make the gradle build a bit nicer and to add in the name again. I also need to update […]

Weeknote: SDRs, Workshops, and tiny tools

Less weeknote and more occasional update … I celebrated passing my Viva without corrections by putting in a workshop proposal. I heard last night that it was accepted. Now to organise it. While I was working on the proposal and a paper, I wrote a prototype sonification plugin for Gephi. Now that the workshop exists, […]

Weeknotes: overdue musings

I spent the best part of a week in Dublin where I presented at the Synthetic City conference on Unheard City and Unheard Spaces. The conference was thought provoking with some great conversations, but there is work to do. Must make the app releasable along with some of the methods. I made a start on […]

Weeknote: Planning, microphones, and Arduinos

I have been taking a break over the last few days, so little work to add to the notes. I did play around with an old pot of Bare Conductive paint and using their Arduino library. I do need to get some new paint but the initial idea seemed to work. As a follow up, […]

Weeknotes: Thesis, tea, and the future

I was delayed last week by sorting out things for my parent for most of last week. I submitted my thesis. That was the big thing and hopefully I will get my preferred external examiner. I began to reconnect to people whom I had not talked to in quite a while, so l am looking […]

Weeknotes: Inventory and Thesising

This week featured some time beginning a device inventory at work, something that we have been thinking of for a while. It reminds me that I must complete the image for the server infrastructure, which I fear I may have made too complicated for now. I completed the skeleton of the text analysis skills sessions […]

Weeknotes: Accepting and Coping with Boredom

Recently I have been searching for a purpose, or so it seems. I have many things that I need to do, am doing, and want to do. The task list is endless and sometimes interesting. It can be boring but that is life. I was half listening to some talks on technical leadership and Michael […]

Studying at the Sussex Humanities Lab

It is with an absolute joy that I’m going to the Sussex Humanities Laboratory at Sussex University to do a PhD in the autumn. I recently gained an MSc in Software Engineering at Oxford. I have been trying to do more in Digital Humanities and this was an opportunity that I could not miss really, […]