Tag Archives: sonification


It’s been a while. I did submit my first grant but unsuccessfully. I can take that on board for future. I did write a lightweight scraper for the Internet Archive to do some digging around after getting some files for a sonification project. I also updated some Scopus and Crossref scripts to query for a […]

Pi in the Street

I am about to start work on a new project, AI in the Street. I am not sure exactly my role as the kick off meetings are this week. In preparation, I have been playing around with a Raspberry Pi Pico and the aioble library to make really simple tunes on it. Not quite chiptunes […]

Weeknote: AARs and patterns in audio

I’ve been wrapping bits and pieces of the HackRF base app to have some fun. One of the challenges was updating some old code in the AAR that needed a new flag. Next up is to make the gradle build a bit nicer and to add in the name again. I also need to update […]

Weeknote: SDRs, Workshops, and tiny tools

Less weeknote and more occasional update … I celebrated passing my Viva without corrections by putting in a workshop proposal. I heard last night that it was accepted. Now to organise it. While I was working on the proposal and a paper, I wrote a prototype sonification plugin for Gephi. Now that the workshop exists, […]

Sonification, Schemas and Microdata

In an ongoing experiment, I am playing around with representing sonification in HTML to enable sharing it within a webpage, focusing on the Event and AudioObject schemas. Following some currently unpublished thesis work, I was curious about trying to model the thing that I was writing about and putting it into the mark-up to allow […]

The Unheard City

Some time ago, I mentioned a project that was starting called the Unheard City to explore sonification of Internet of Things devices and the phone. Well, it is alive, or coming to be. The Unheard City website is coming into being with the sounds here and is the subject of a talk this Sunday at […]

An introduction to Sounding out the System

In this blog post, I present a paper for the Research Infrastructures for Web Science (RI4WebSci) workshop with Alan Chamberlain. I will also add in some extra data that is not in the paper. The paper discusses the use of an experimental Humanities (Chamberlain et al., 2017; Emsley et al. 2019) approach to a short […]

A new project – Unheard City

A short post really but I am in the process of starting a new small project called the Unheard City. It is a side project, so I expect the pace to be slow, but it explores ideas that I have had in my head for a short while. What does the city sound like when […]

Thoughts on ICAD 2019 Day 2

Day 2 of ICAD 2019 was sadly my last as I was due to speak somewhere else. It developed Day 1 quite nicely. The opening talk on using sonification in graphs was a well thought out consideration of the role of sound to learn how a network graph might be considered aurally. Whilst it reminds […]

Thoughts on ICAD 2019 Day 1

As International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD) was, metaphorically, up the rail line in Newcastle, I thought that it was a must attend conference. The Monday kicked off with the session on Assisting with Every Day Life. Christoph Urbanietz presented on continuing work to aid navigation for the people with visual impairments. The approach, using […]