Category Archives: sonification

Sound and the Environment

A slightly belated post but the Guardian have a useful piece about soundscapes for the environment, that I take as sound methods within the Anthropocene. It’s not really part of my research but the ideas of sound to engage with the unheard under our feet. Sonic and environment certainly dates back to R Murray Schafer […]

Pi in the Street

I am about to start work on a new project, AI in the Street. I am not sure exactly my role as the kick off meetings are this week. In preparation, I have been playing around with a Raspberry Pi Pico and the aioble library to make really simple tunes on it. Not quite chiptunes […]

Weeknote: SDRs, Workshops, and tiny tools

Less weeknote and more occasional update … I celebrated passing my Viva without corrections by putting in a workshop proposal. I heard last night that it was accepted. Now to organise it. While I was working on the proposal and a paper, I wrote a prototype sonification plugin for Gephi. Now that the workshop exists, […]

Distant listening of Green Day

I am not sure world needs this but it exists. The YouTube video, every green day song playing at the same time, and it turns Nicholas Cook’s concept of distant listening (2013) into a reality. I am not a huge Green Day fan – some bits good, some not – and found it hard to […]

Signal the Unheard City at the Resonate Festival

The text here is the rough copy of the Unheard City presentation at the Sampling Sounds of Coventry’s Future at Common Ground as part of the Resonate Festival. The project is supported by The University of Warwick Institute for Engagement and the WIE City of Culture Programme and the Warwick-Monash Alliance Catalyst Project Creating the […]

An introduction to Sounding out the System

In this blog post, I present a paper for the Research Infrastructures for Web Science (RI4WebSci) workshop with Alan Chamberlain. I will also add in some extra data that is not in the paper. The paper discusses the use of an experimental Humanities (Chamberlain et al., 2017; Emsley et al. 2019) approach to a short […]

Re-purposing A-frame?

Currently having a nose around the a-frame design tool as a way of designing some scenes. I have a vague idea of what I want to see and hear but I am looking at what existing tools offer. Does reading the documentation become a way of testing the tool and becoming a way of thinking […]

Thoughts on ICAD 2019 Day 2

Day 2 of ICAD 2019 was sadly my last as I was due to speak somewhere else. It developed Day 1 quite nicely. The opening talk on using sonification in graphs was a well thought out consideration of the role of sound to learn how a network graph might be considered aurally. Whilst it reminds […]

Thoughts on ICAD 2019 Day 1

As International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD) was, metaphorically, up the rail line in Newcastle, I thought that it was a must attend conference. The Monday kicked off with the session on Assisting with Every Day Life. Christoph Urbanietz presented on continuing work to aid navigation for the people with visual impairments. The approach, using […]

Turing, Strachey and Computer Generated Music

Just came across this post from Open Culture on the first computer generated music. It appears that although Turing had worked out that his computer could be made to produce music but wasn’t interested in pursuing this. Christoper Strachey played with the concept and came up with some recognisable tunes. The Open Culture blog has […]