Category Archives: weeknotes

Weeknotes: Accepting and Coping with Boredom

Recently I have been searching for a purpose, or so it seems. I have many things that I need to do, am doing, and want to do. The task list is endless and sometimes interesting. It can be boring but that is life. I was half listening to some talks on technical leadership and Michael […]

Studying at the Sussex Humanities Lab

It is with an absolute joy that I’m going to the Sussex Humanities Laboratory at Sussex University to do a PhD in the autumn. I recently gained an MSc in Software Engineering at Oxford. I have been trying to do more in Digital Humanities and this was an opportunity that I could not miss really, […]

Week Notes 13th March

After taking a few days off post dissertation submission, I have ended up using formal definitions within some Linked Data work that I am involved in. To some degree, I have largely avoided them so that I can get on with writing the code. This project has gone in a different manner where the definition […]

Week Notes 6 March

Last week, I mentioned the Museums project and writing a phone app to test touch through the Android APIs. An annoying bug turned out to be small and easily fixed and, whilst testing, I wrote a small Python and Gnuplot script to plot the way that the fingers moved in a 2d graph. It would […]

Week Notes 27th Feb

Last week was an intriguing one and this is written later than one might like. I’m currently working on a Museums project and am currently writing some code to track how items are touched using the internal sensors on an Android phone. It is my first Android project so is a learning experience but an […]

Trying to find a work/life balance

Something that has been, quite literally, in my mind is the question of work/life balance. I am currently working on finishing a dissertation for a Masters in Software Engineering on Behaviour Driven Development in Sonification as well as working across three different projects at work. The dissertation is on the way to first draft completion, […]

Weeknotes: Still functional…

So I’ve survived the the week of Functional Programming and Haskell lectures. The hard work starts here in terms of using and remembering enough of the above in the set assignment. Also Erlang and concurrency is the subject of the next course. One of the things that I’ve been looking at more are Domain Specific […]

Weeknotes: Becoming functional

It has been a week of moving something onwards and making it in the way that I’ve like to see it made.  I enrolled onto the Software Engineering course at Oxford this year. In all honesty, it has been an upward and somewhat rocky journey but I am enjoying it. Now. I signed up for […]

Random Links

The Observer’s New Review section had a short piece on the British Library’s Beautiful Science exhibition, “How visualising data has changed life … and saved lives“. That section also ran a larger article on the new wave of small press magazines and their design aesthetic. The common theme seems to be having a focus. Wondering […]


A quiet couple of weeks with a project being changed from C to C++ to allow me to use some extra libraries. I’ve also been diving into some new texts to look at some relationships that I have been musing on for a while. So I am in the process of exploring how to visualise […]