Category Archives: weeknotes

Weeknotes: Testing and documentation

It has been a slightly quiet week but one in which I have been working on the quieter parts of development – testing and documentation. I was helping out some colleagues by testing some existing code this week. not because I do not have any thing to do but because they are woking on something […]

Weeknotes: Open Correspondence and TextCamp

It has been a while since I’ve written a weeknote. Must get back into the habit. Open Correspondence Development on the Open Correspondence project has been slow to stalled for a while. I have been doing bits and pieces but sitting down with Mark McGillivray of Cottage Labs and the Open Knowledge Foundation, brought some […]

Weeknotes: Documents and data

The main project this week (apart from hte onging one of moving and virtualising servers) is to begin work on our technical documents. I’m trying to move them onto the web and make the useful, not only in terms of reading about them but also to make them linkable. I’m trying to get them out […]

Weeknotes: Drupal, NoSQL and data

It has been an interesting week which  I would rather forget. However I am not and it made me rethink quite a few assumptions. On the plus side, I’ve managed to write some of the documentation for the portal and map the processes which need to be coded next week. The major thing that I […]

JISCMail to migrate to new platform

I see from Twitter that JISCMail announced that they have funding for another year which is a good thing (in the Sellars and Yeats sense). It does mention that they are migrating onto a new platform (though it is inferred keeping the current mail system) but does not mention what this might be. The statement […]

Weeknotes: Storing and cleaning data

This week has been soft launching a CRM system for the Janet project. Hopefully these would be just user bugs but it has highlighted some interesting data cleaning issues. These are going to be inherent in the exchange of data between two or more systems, especially when one is a long-term pre-existing one. This has […]

Weeknotes: Open Correspondence toolkit and converting XML into JSON

I’ve been quiet for a bit though generally because I’ve been quite busy on projects and exploring ideas. After Book Hackday, I’ve written a post about beginning to develop the Open Correspondence toolkit for the Open Knowledge Foundation’s Notebook blog. I was also contacted regarding converting the TEI XML pages into JSON, which I am […]

Weeknotes: Open Correspondence updates

I’ve bitten the bullet and done it. I’ve uploaded the current changes to the Open Correspondence site. The current changes are: additional fields in the RDF endpoint.  I still need to do some major work to JSON and XML which I hope to do for the next update. a basic text search a basic set […]

Weeknotes: Conferences and Open Correspondence

On Wednesday I went to the JISC dev8d conference. I wish I could have gone for both days but time doesn’t permit at the moment. In all, I had a trhough provoking day and managed to catch talks on the Mobile Web (which I wasn’t expecting) and Linked Data. Whilst I didn’t attend the programming […]

Weeknotes: Places in Open Correspondence

I’ve been doing some work to Open Correspondence over the last couple of weeks. I started re-parsing the letters to expose some more metadata, mainly placenames and to normalise them. I’ve finally done the first pass of this update which I’m hoping to make live soon once I’ve updated the controllers and re-checked the other […]