Category Archives: projects

A day at DMRN

I presented a poster on Joshua Steele at the Digital Music Research Network (DMRN) workshop this week. More on the poster in another post but the day did provide a range of talks. Much enjoyed the keynote by Augusto Sardi about capturing and rendering spatial audio. It reflected on techniques from computer vision and the […]

Some Thoughts on Digitizing the Stage

I attended the Digitizing the Stage conference, jointly between the Bodleian libraries and Folger Shakespeare library. A basic storify exists here for the various tweets. A mix of performance, textual, makers, and doers, this was a chance to consider the needs of archives, scholars and the data for ongoing scholarship. I noticed a disenchantment with […]

Sonifying the cityscape

My wife came across a project on Makezine which, ahem, sounded interesting. Akko Goldenbeld created a map of Eindhoven on a drum that struck keys on a piano as it rotates. The resulting work appears to be called Citymusic or Stadsmuziek.

Looking forward to 2016

2016, I think, will be one of completions and continuing things. I hope that this year will be the one where I complete my Masters degree. I look forward to doing more work with sound and sonification. It is a challenge in terms of software, art, design and patience but one that I am relishing. […]

A simple experiment in Sound and Vision for Hamlet

The aim of this hack is to explore turning the structures of the First Folio texts marked up using Text Encoding Initiative XML (TEI) into notes using the Chuck , PHP and Processing languages. I wanted to explore the processes for transforming the texts for the user and explore different ways of presenting the textual […]

Learning about paper hacks

Just listening to Derek Groen of UCL and and former Software Sustainability Institute fellow talk about paper hackathons. Taking the idea of the typical hack where a piece of code is produced, the paper hack also wrote draft science papers in a short time. The projects for the day were pre-selected but it sounds like […]

Cultures of Knowledge – Collaboration, Early Modern Letters Online, and Horizon 2020

Collaboration, Early Modern Letters Online, and Horizon 2020 by Howard Hotson and introduced by Dave de Roure. Notes are unedited. D de R introducing the space of new scholarship with new technologies and big data. Interested in the engagement of large amounts of people and the social machines (Berners-Lee, Weaving the Web, 1999, p 172-175). […]

Future of Editing – James Loxley on Ben Jonson

Notes on James Loxley’s talk about Ben Jonson at the Future of Editing seminar series. Jonson’s own account of the walk between London and Edinburgh lost. Journey gave us the information with William Drummond (1618/19). Came across the ms whilst ferreting around an online catalogue. Collaborated with colleagues to flesh it out (inc geographer). Discovered […]

Weeknotes: Still functional…

So I’ve survived the the week of Functional Programming and Haskell lectures. The hard work starts here in terms of using and remembering enough of the above in the set assignment. Also Erlang and concurrency is the subject of the next course. One of the things that I’ve been looking at more are Domain Specific […]

Partially reviving the Open Literature project

One of the projects which I have been involved in with Open Knowledge is the creation of a WordPress plug-in for the existing Textus project. To be fair, it has gone more slowly than I would like but I have finally got a test site up using Redhat’s OpenShift which makes it very easy to […]