Category Archives: projects

Reading in remote data sources into Drupal 7 part one – the custom code way

I’ve been looking at integrating a variety of different data sources in a Drupal project for various reasons but generally from the perspective of pulling data from existing sources. These do not necessarily go into the same system and equally, only parts may be required for by differing systems. In a way, I am trying […]

Musing on the idea of a UK Drupal Association

Steven Jones from Computerminds came to the Drupalcamp session at Cambridge Drupalcamp where we were learning how to run a camp, where we also discussed the potential need / use of a UK Drupal Association. We did discuss this on various forae ( has the latest set of posts) but I am afraid I lost […]

Thoughts on the Oxford Drupalcamp

Back in the mists of time (something like the week before the London Drupalcon), a few people were having conversations which went along the line of “why don’t we have a Drupalcamp in Oxford?”. These were good conversations but were being repeated in a few places. I hoped to put the conversations together and watch. […]

Exploring realtime presence

I went down to the London Realtime event event today. In part, it was to  learn more about realtime programming and partially because RabbitMQ were going to be there and it would be a good chance to talk to somebody about the message queueing (MQ). I did manage to bend somebody’s ear (sorry if I […]

Beginning using Drupal and TokBox

I’ve been playing around with TokBox and the Drupal plugin (7 only) for a project to see where it can go. TokBox is a video API which can be used to set up video sessions, say to publish only like a lecture, or to have a conversation and to link people together. Reading the University […]

Trying to geolocate a part of Charles Dickens

I have been working at a snail’s pace on some geolocation queries on some locations which are associated with Charles Dickens. Using Python’s NLTK library, I managed to extract around 60 distinct locations from his novel, Bleak House. A bit of human editing has tidied this up for me but it looks useful. Having popped […]

Weeknotes: Open Correspondence and TextCamp

It has been a while since I’ve written a weeknote. Must get back into the habit. Open Correspondence Development on the Open Correspondence project has been slow to stalled for a while. I have been doing bits and pieces but sitting down with Mark McGillivray of Cottage Labs and the Open Knowledge Foundation, brought some […]

Writing specs – a first starting point

Our team have started on Scrum to move forward with our projects. So far, so staggering steps but, hey, we are new to it. We will learn by falling / failing and then learning from where we went wrong and fixing it. One of the things that I have been looking at, partially because, as […]

Creating a simple video gallery using Drupal 7

As a side project, I’ve been looking at Media Uploads in Drupal 7. I am interested in using Media as a sort of asset management system at a machine level with web services allowing for the ingestion and listing of files. Anyhow as a side experiment, I wanted to take the idea of a video […]

New year, new directions?

We are in the middle of the dead days, as Marcus Sedgwick describes them in one of sequences. It seems like a time for soem reflection, partially based on an intepretation of Steve Poland’s What startup to Build? post on Techcrunch. This is not to say that I an necessarily thinking of building a startup […]