Tag Archives: data mining

A simple experiment in Sound and Vision for Hamlet

The aim of this hack is to explore turning the structures of the First Folio texts marked up using Text Encoding Initiative XML (TEI) into notes using the Chuck , PHP and Processing languages. I wanted to explore the processes for transforming the texts for the user and explore different ways of presenting the textual […]

Node, Twitter and storing data

I’ve been meaning to get into doing some work using Node.js for bits and pieces. Node offers some serious possibilities for server side programming without using cron jobs, creating event driven programmes that reduce load on the CPU (not using cron jobs) and for more agile and responsive backends to be created. After a conversation […]

Finding the data signal in the noise

Marshall Kirkpatrick, on ReadWriteWeb, poses the question A web of infinite information: does that sound like a scary problem of “just too much”? in a “Mamas, Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Data Wranglers” where he discusses an interview with Evan Williams on GigaOm. (I’m not going to discuss the interview here (but […]

Growing and using data

Just seen an article on Techcrunch by Bradford Cross of Flightcaster regarding the growth of data on the Web. He appears to argue that data and its uses will drive the Web soon, writing: the data age is less about the raw size of your data, and more about the cool stuff you can do […]