I’ve been quiet for a bit though generally because I’ve been quite busy on projects and exploring ideas. After Book Hackday, I’ve written a post about beginning to develop the Open Correspondence toolkit for the Open Knowledge Foundation’s Notebook blog. I was also contacted regarding converting the TEI XML pages into JSON, which I am […]
Category Archives: weeknotes
Weeknotes: Open Correspondence updates
I’ve bitten the bullet and done it. I’ve uploaded the current changes to the Open Correspondence site. The current changes are: additional fields in the RDF endpoint. I still need to do some major work to JSON and XML which I hope to do for the next update. a basic text search a basic set […]
Weeknotes: Conferences and Open Correspondence
On Wednesday I went to the JISC dev8d conference. I wish I could have gone for both days but time doesn’t permit at the moment. In all, I had a trhough provoking day and managed to catch talks on the Mobile Web (which I wasn’t expecting) and Linked Data. Whilst I didn’t attend the programming […]
Weeknotes: Places in Open Correspondence
I’ve been doing some work to Open Correspondence over the last couple of weeks. I started re-parsing the letters to expose some more metadata, mainly placenames and to normalise them. I’ve finally done the first pass of this update which I’m hoping to make live soon once I’ve updated the controllers and re-checked the other […]
Weeknotes: Arts funding, Open Correspondence
I’ve been doing some updating this week rather than anything new. I was going to spend time trying to complete the places section of the Open Correspondence website. It needs some tidying up as the endpoint has had some changes made to it. I did come across an issue which has implications in exposing other […]
Weeknotes: Books and places for Open Correspondence
Progress on the next version of Open Correspondence has been a bit slower than I would have like. Sleep is, however, useful to being alert enough to write code. I’ve gone back to the some of the work that I was doing for the first version of the site way back last year. As part […]
Weeknotes: Open Correspondence, Xapian and Linked Data
After last week’s server move, we discovered one or two things that needed to be changed before they could go live. The main thing was the Xapian search which I had been working on. The initial version kept the Xapian server on the local machine and used that to index and search the letters butt […]
Weeknotes: Open correspondence
A quiet week as I’ve been having a few days off but I’ve been working on some of the tickets for Open Correspondence. The urls have changed to /letters/view/<author>/<correspondent>/<letter id> in an attempt to make them more user friendly and also to allow the user to define smaller or larger collections by altering the url. […]
Weeknotes: Ubuntu, messaging and Open Correspondence
It has been a while since the last weeknotes. I’ve finally made the move to Linux, or at least dual booting, by installing Ubuntu so I’m currently learning a little the OS and getting a development environment set up for it. I’ve nearly finsihed the ongoing accounts project at work. The framework is up and […]
Weeknotes: Talks, Open Correspondence, XMPP
I gave a talk at the Oxford Geek Nights about Open Correspondence and letters. At some point I really ought to learn how to give talks. Anyhow Russell Davies was the main speakers and he showed how you could make physical objects from data derived from social networks. (He has a marvellously sane post about […]