One of the projects which I have been involved in with Open Knowledge is the creation of a WordPress plug-in for the existing Textus project. To be fair, it has gone more slowly than I would like but I have finally got a test site up using Redhat’s OpenShift which makes it very easy to […]
Tag Archives: open_literature
Repost of Principles for Open Humanities and Literature
A while ago, I posted about the Panton Principles for Humanities and Literature. The Panton Principles are a set of guide lines for the development of Open Science and at the last Open Knowledge Foundation conference in London, I badgered Jonathan Gray about the idea of porting them to Literature and Humanities. One Sunday afternoon […]
Exploring Charles Dickens’s networks
As part of the ongoing Open Correspondence rewrite, I’ve started working on some visualisations after a conversation with Rufus Pollock during one of the Humanities calls. One of the immediate ones was a force-directed graph to link all the correspondents to the authors. Well author at the moment. Although I am aware of SigmaJS, I […]
Using Tesseract with Python for OCR
Following several conversations with Alex Butterworth over pots of tea in the crypt of St Mary’s Church in Oxford, I’ve been having a look at Python and its bindings with the Tesseract library. A quick Google search brought me to this post by Roy on building an HTTP service using Tornado. I am fairly new […]
Working on the Panton Principles for Open Literature and Humanities
The, it appears indefatigable, James Harriman-Smith and I, amongst others, had been talking about porting the Panton Principles to Open Literature and Humanities uses. After a Skype call, we created a first draft which is now online on the Open Literature wiki: and on the Open Literature mailing list. One of the matters that […]
Thinking about texts and communities at Textcamp
Having gone to Textcamp yesterday, I started playing with Wordle and IBM’s Many Eyes at the suggestion of Dave Flanders of the JISC. As James Harriman-Smith, the organiser and Open Literature co-ordinator for the Open Knowledge Foundation, had suggested that this year is the anniversary of the manuscript of Alexander Pope‘s An Essay in Criticism, […]
Exposing the Classic Serial data
I’ve just been listening to the serialisation of Wilkie Collins’ The Moonstone on Radio Four in its Classic serial slot. Whilst listening (and remembering how much I had enjoyed it when I read it years ago), I began thinking about trying to expose it as Linked Data so that the book’s publication detail could be […]
Weeknotes: Open Correspondence
I’ve been talking with Rufus Pollock about moving the Open Correspondence web site as we’ve had the occasional snafu with bringing the site back up after maintenance. I’m pleased to say that we managed the move last night and the site is back up, DNS moved and so on. The one thing that really surprised […]
Making Milton sparql
I’ve been going over some ideas that have been bubbling in my mind for a while about using RDF to load in further details about a test in question. I’ve gone back to an old Milton file, the Areopagitica, that I created for another project but never really used. Essentially its part of the Burke […]
Tagging the revolution – exploring Edmund Burke’s Reflections on the Revolution in France
Over the weekend, I read an interesting article, “Edmund Burke: How did a long-dead Irishman become the hottest thinker of 2010?“, by Amol Rajan in the Independent on the philosopher, Edmund Burke. In the past I’ve read his musings on the sublime in “A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime […]