I have been having a break recently so not much done. I did start some work on looking at the Maestro dataset metadata for a paper abstract. I have been querying it for the authors and mean times of the tracks (based on MIDI according to the website) as well as working on extracting some […]
A permissioned duree and other app studies work
A few months ago, I poked around the current permissions on the Android phone and to look at various ways of thinking about this as a reading or a history. One such drew from Fernand Braudel’s Long Duree. Using a series of tags on an old permissions file (this was originally done a couple of […]
The last couple of weeks have been working through some policy documents and their attendant forms, which was less fun but important. The second main bit was doing some audio work. Using some converted Tiktok data, I had a play around with generating networks, timelines, and a meta-audio file. This latter is a mash up […]
It’s been a while. I did submit my first grant but unsuccessfully. I can take that on board for future. I did write a lightweight scraper for the Internet Archive to do some digging around after getting some files for a sonification project. I also updated some Scopus and Crossref scripts to query for a […]
Weeknotes: Proposals
I submitted my first proposal this week. I am hopeful (or I would not have submitted) but it has brought things into focus. I do not want to say anything else yet but it has clarified a few things and directions. I now need to finish some other work – as the Audio Mostly deadline […]
Sound and the Environment
A slightly belated post but the Guardian have a useful piece about soundscapes for the environment, that I take as sound methods within the Anthropocene. It’s not really part of my research but the ideas of sound to engage with the unheard under our feet. Sonic and environment certainly dates back to R Murray Schafer […]
Automating documentation using Python
One of the tasks for this week was cleaning up after an infrastructure move and then updating all the documentation. Given that there are many forms of documentation, it was a bit of a task. I ended up putting together a spreadsheet of the main details so that there is a canonical reference. The first […]
Pi in the Street
I am about to start work on a new project, AI in the Street. I am not sure exactly my role as the kick off meetings are this week. In preparation, I have been playing around with a Raspberry Pi Pico and the aioble library to make really simple tunes on it. Not quite chiptunes […]
Weeknote: AARs and patterns in audio
I’ve been wrapping bits and pieces of the HackRF base app to have some fun. One of the challenges was updating some old code in the AAR that needed a new flag. Next up is to make the gradle build a bit nicer and to add in the name again. I also need to update […]
Weeknote: SDRs, Workshops, and tiny tools
Less weeknote and more occasional update … I celebrated passing my Viva without corrections by putting in a workshop proposal. I heard last night that it was accepted. Now to organise it. While I was working on the proposal and a paper, I wrote a prototype sonification plugin for Gephi. Now that the workshop exists, […]