Auto play on audio user experience

I was fortunate enough to talk at UX in the City Oxford last Friday about audio. Thanks to Software Acumen and the programme committee for the invitation. One of the questions asked was that of audio patterns on the web, which is a layer above where I normally work. One of the anti-patterns that I […]

Notes from visualisation workshop

Notes from yesterday’s Digital Humanities visualisation colloquium at Reading on 31 March. Reuse of models in different form: tensions between drama and academic use. Life of Rome as MMORPG. VR seems big: Oculus Rift and Google Cardboard. What’s the sustainability? As the tools become more available and publication modes. How does the digital output fit […]

Sonifying the cityscape

My wife came across a project on Makezine which, ahem, sounded interesting. Akko Goldenbeld created a map of Eindhoven on a drum that struck keys on a piano as it rotates. The resulting work appears to be called Citymusic or Stadsmuziek.

An evening of lights in London

Yesterday evening, I went along to the early part of the evening at the Lumiere Show in London.  I stayed around the Regents Street and Trafalgar Square side. It was a touch crowded crowded as I made my way down from Oxford Street to Trafalgar Square. I did spend a little time at the junction […]

Looking forward to 2016

2016, I think, will be one of completions and continuing things. I hope that this year will be the one where I complete my Masters degree. I look forward to doing more work with sound and sonification. It is a challenge in terms of software, art, design and patience but one that I am relishing. […]

Some recent work in sonification

Just a short post. I attended the Text Encoding Initiative Conference in Lyon where I gave my first proper software paper, written with David De Roure. I’ll write about it properly shortly but here is the link to the paper,“It will discourse most eloquent music”: Sonifying variants of Hamlet, in the Oxford University Research Archive. […]

Beginning to sonify the Economist’s Big Mac index

The Big Mac index is The Economist’s index of the Purchasing-Power Parity (PPP), which was devised in 1986 . Intended as a light-hearted representation of exchange rate theory, it has become one of the economic indexes, along with the Hemline Index [1] and the Men’s Underwear Index . All three indices represent a view of […]

Building the Chuck language on Ubuntu

I am currently using the ChucK language in various sonification experiments. Using it across operating systems can be fun. Mac and Windows have installers already. Linux does not and needs to be built from source. This gives the developer a set of options for building depending on their platform. I have  my built of this […]

Sonification and auditory display links 7 September

A slightly older link but this link appears to be a useful link to thinking about and developing auditory displays. Breaking the Sound Barrier: Designing Auditory Displays for Global Usability by Robert S Tannen

Audio-visual presentations of Stock Market data

This morning, whilst making breakfast, a news article on the BBC Breakfast show caught my eye. I wasn’t terribly interested in the article being presented from the London Stock Exchange but the visualisation of the stocks behind the presenter caught my eye. Twenty stocks were being updated in real time and being shown using concentric, […]