Notes on James Loxley’s talk about Ben Jonson at the Future of Editing seminar series. Jonson’s own account of the walk between London and Edinburgh lost. Journey gave us the information with William Drummond (1618/19). Came across the ms whilst ferreting around an online catalogue. Collaborated with colleagues to flesh it out (inc geographer). Discovered […]
Author Archives: iain_emsley
Harmonising the Heterogeneous at Cultures of Knowledge
Harmonising the Heterogeneous at the Cultures of Knowledge seminar series with Eero Hyvönen. Notes are unedited. Two forms of the Web : WWW for humans, GGG (Giant Global Graph) for data. Core data set 1048 data sets and 59 billion triples. Google’s Knowledge Graph and Microsoft’s Satori – graph engines in the search giants. Why […]
Future of Editing – Philip Carter of the ODNB
Today’s Future of Editing talk was by Philip Carter from the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Notes have not been edited. 10 years of the publication of the ODNB in September. Wants to think about changing and curating text as part of editorial process. Sections: New content; curating; new ways of using for scholarship & […]
Future of Editing – some reflections on Nicole Pohl on Sarah Scott
The seminar in today’s The Future of Editing series, “An Editor’s duty is indeed that of most danger’ (Piozzi): editing Sarah Robinson Scott“, by Nicole Pohl that the Bodleian Digital Library Systems and Services is holding at the Oxford e-Research Centre was a thought provoking one in terms the questions raised a series of points […]
Cultures of Knowledge – Constructing Scientific Communities in the 19th and 21st centuries
This evening’s seminar, “Constructing Scientific Communities in the 19th and 21st Centuries: Science Periodicals and the Zooniverse” by Professor Sally Shuttleworth and Victoria Van Hyning, was held in the History faculty and talked about the Constructing Scientific Communities project. These are live notes and, as yet, unedited. Sally Shuttleworth Focussed on the Science Periodical. How […]
AYB14 – some post conference thoughts
I went to the All Your Base conference on Friday. I find that it is a friendly conference and on that deals with issues that I am interested in. There are two themes this year that jumped out at me: 1. Open Data 2. Hardware and performance Jeni Tennison from the Open Data Institute opened […]
Publishers are not superfluous
I saw this tweet via @tomabba who is doing some excellent and exciting stuff with digital books. In my mind, it epitomises the arrogance coming from the ill-educated about publishing and what publishers do: Oh, piss off, Matt Yglesias. Piss. Right. Off. — iucounu (@iucounu) October 22, 2014 Yes, the times, they are […]
Transcribing Bentham seminar notes
Melissa Terras talked about the Transcribing Bentham , a collaborative project to transcribe the volumes of Bentham, at University College London at the first seminar in the Cultures of Knowledge seminars. Bentham believed in education for all who could afford it in London. UCL has 60,000 volumes and BL has 30,000. 40,000 volumes were untranscribed […]
Weeknotes: Still functional…
So I’ve survived the the week of Functional Programming and Haskell lectures. The hard work starts here in terms of using and remembering enough of the above in the set assignment. Also Erlang and concurrency is the subject of the next course. One of the things that I’ve been looking at more are Domain Specific […]
Weeknotes: Becoming functional
It has been a week of moving something onwards and making it in the way that I’ve like to see it made. I enrolled onto the Software Engineering course at Oxford this year. In all honesty, it has been an upward and somewhat rocky journey but I am enjoying it. Now. I signed up for […]