Weeknotes: Models and Mentors

I have been having a break recently so not much done.

I did start some work on looking at the Maestro dataset metadata for a paper abstract. I have been querying it for the authors and mean times of the tracks (based on MIDI according to the website) as well as working on extracting some of the musical information in the titles, such as type (sonata, prelude) or chords.

First impressions are that the dataset is very limited in terms of the composers. Having extracted and cleaned up the data, I do want to query either Wikipedia or DBpedia for further information to get other information to augment this one. It does occur to me that this textual information could be used to generate a sonification of sorts. It might end up as a very sweet little blog post as well as providing ways of beginning to read the metadata for models.

I have also been working on the final parts of a project in the Google Summer of Code which will have a new release soon. I am excited about this and am working on a blog post for work to discuss it.

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