Monthly Archives: August 2024

Weeknotes: Models and Mentors

I have been having a break recently so not much done. I did start some work on looking at the Maestro dataset metadata for a paper abstract. I have been querying it for the authors and mean times of the tracks (based on MIDI according to the website) as well as working on extracting some […]

A permissioned duree and other app studies work

A few months ago, I poked around the current permissions on the Android phone and to look at various ways of thinking about this as a reading or a history. One such drew from Fernand Braudel’s Long Duree. Using a series of tags on an old permissions file (this was originally done a couple of […]


The last couple of weeks have been working through some policy documents and their attendant forms, which was less fun but important. The second main bit was doing some audio work. Using some converted Tiktok data, I had a play around with generating networks, timelines, and a meta-audio file. This latter is a mash up […]