A couple of weeks ago, I decided to follow up a query that I had about tracing the way that the Bluetooth signal is constructed through the various layers of software and hardware. My interest is software but this does interface with hardware sensors on the phone. I took the phone apart using screw drivers […]
Category Archives: projects
Weeknote: Planning, microphones, and Arduinos
I have been taking a break over the last few days, so little work to add to the notes. I did play around with an old pot of Bare Conductive paint and using their Arduino library. I do need to get some new paint but the initial idea seemed to work. As a follow up, […]
Weeknotes: Inventory and Thesising
This week featured some time beginning a device inventory at work, something that we have been thinking of for a while. It reminds me that I must complete the image for the server infrastructure, which I fear I may have made too complicated for now. I completed the skeleton of the text analysis skills sessions […]
Weeknotes: Accepting and Coping with Boredom
Recently I have been searching for a purpose, or so it seems. I have many things that I need to do, am doing, and want to do. The task list is endless and sometimes interesting. It can be boring but that is life. I was half listening to some talks on technical leadership and Michael […]
Who keeps minimal computing running?
Digital Humanities Quarterly has a special issue on Minimal Computing. Roopika Risam and Alex Gil;s introduction neatly frames the challenges that the subject raises but Quinn Dombrowski’s article, Minimizing Computing Maximizes Labor, excavates what it really means to develop with minimal computing. It is an issue that I have been thinking about recently after various […]
Sonification, Schemas and Microdata
In an ongoing experiment, I am playing around with representing sonification in HTML to enable sharing it within a webpage, focusing on the Event and AudioObject schemas. Following some currently unpublished thesis work, I was curious about trying to model the thing that I was writing about and putting it into the mark-up to allow […]
Critical Making and DIY zine
I have just come across Garnet Hertz’s ‘zine, Two Terms: Critical Making + D.I.Y, on his Concept Labs website. Still reading at the moment but the move to making as part of research is a theme that resonates.
Causation, Correlation, and Method
Another short post but John Naughton’s latest column in the Observer is another one for book marking, Yes, DeepMind crunches the numbers – but is it really a magic bullet? . The computational achievements are there but the underlying question about how one understands it still need the scientific method. I might argue that, in […]
The Cost of Electric Cars…
Another short bookmark post but this time about the mining of raw metals currently required for electric cars and the various economics therein. I am reminded of a chapter in Kate Crawford’s Anatomy of AI about lithium mining and Natasha Bernal’s article about lithium mining race in Cornwall. The recent work on phones has sparked […]
Signal the Unheard City at the Resonate Festival
The text here is the rough copy of the Unheard City presentation at the Sampling Sounds of Coventry’s Future at Common Ground as part of the Resonate Festival. The project is supported by The University of Warwick Institute for Engagement and the WIE City of Culture Programme and the Warwick-Monash Alliance Catalyst Project Creating the […]