Author Archives: iain_emsley

I am a developer in the Janet web team as well as occasionally working on some Open Source projects. The views expressed on this blog are mine alone and are not to be taken as a position or comment by Janet.

Tappigraphy as method?

I am bookmarking this as no doubt if I have time, I will forget the piece. A useful, if slightly unnerving, article about tappigraphy in the Observer, The dawn of tappigraphy. It raises important issues of ethics and privacy, but raises questions in my mind about responses. Hmmm…

Signal the Unheard City at the Resonate Festival

The text here is the rough copy of the Unheard City presentation at the Sampling Sounds of Coventry’s Future at Common Ground as part of the Resonate Festival. The project is supported by The University of Warwick Institute for Engagement and the WIE City of Culture Programme and the Warwick-Monash Alliance Catalyst Project Creating the […]


I am looking towards writing up now and finishing the thesis. I realise that I have not really discussed it. Rather I have had my head down in it. One of the challenges that seems to be rearing its head is writing a decent introduction. I am currently drawing from advice from the Your Thesis […]

A City of Things

More of a short note but Richard Coyne touched on cities a few days ago in his post, Cities as media, and Shannon Mattern’s earlier book, Code and Clay, Data and Dirt: Five Thousand Years of Urban Media. I have the new one somewhere but the idea of smart cities existing since classical and earlier […]

Critical Computation and Teaching

An article on the Verge, File Not Found, about issues in teaching computational skills resonates slightly. The User Interaction abstractions have made, in many cases, for sleek and shiny interfaces that hide the complexities of the software underneath. Lost a file? On a Mac, spotlight can find it. Need to use an app, just touch […]

The Unheard City

Some time ago, I mentioned a project that was starting called the Unheard City to explore sonification of Internet of Things devices and the phone. Well, it is alive, or coming to be. The Unheard City website is coming into being with the sounds here and is the subject of a talk this Sunday at […]

OpenAI codex

I was sent the link to the OpenAI Codex coding demo on YouTube, which was a lot of fun and interesting. It makes me think of the no code movement. At one level, I really enjoyed it and I like the fluency of the API that is being used. What worries me slightly is that […]

Safari and web-based digital methods

Tim Perry writes a persuasive blog post on Safari and the state of browsers, Safari isn’t protecting the web. It covers a lot of ground but I get the larger picture now, having struggled with getting relatively simple web APIs working in Safari but without issue in Firefox and Chrome. In this regard, I do […]

An introduction to Sounding out the System

In this blog post, I present a paper for the Research Infrastructures for Web Science (RI4WebSci) workshop with Alan Chamberlain. I will also add in some extra data that is not in the paper. The paper discusses the use of an experimental Humanities (Chamberlain et al., 2017; Emsley et al. 2019) approach to a short […]

A new project – Unheard City

A short post really but I am in the process of starting a new small project called the Unheard City. It is a side project, so I expect the pace to be slow, but it explores ideas that I have had in my head for a short while. What does the city sound like when […]