
The last couple of weeks have been working through some policy documents and their attendant forms, which was less fun but important.

The second main bit was doing some audio work. Using some converted Tiktok data, I had a play around with generating networks, timelines, and a meta-audio file. This latter is a mash up of the existing audio but with algorithmically altered times and duration to reflect the data. It is less about sonification than using audio in a distant listening. Of course, there is so much more to do but I think it shows some promise. I also created some visualisations of the data to explore that as well.

I also began some work on exploring the micro-histories of algorithms in audio machine learning. This was the basis for an abstract that I am hoping to submit next month and is a useful, for me, way of working through a thing that I am fairly sure will work. I am also getting to do some things that do interest me in the long run.

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