Tag Archives: drupal

An approach to creating groups and persistent URLs in Drupal 7

A major project has been exploring the creation of a collaborative space using Drupal 7. Somebody else has taken this over whilst I concentrate on other parts of our system and integration but I thought I would post about the Persistent URL (PURL) creation. Fortunately Drupal 7 comes with a fair few options which the […]

Creating a simple video gallery using Drupal 7

As a side project, I’ve been looking at Media Uploads in Drupal 7. I am interested in using Media as a sort of asset management system at a machine level with web services allowing for the ingestion and listing of files. Anyhow as a side experiment, I wanted to take the idea of a video […]

Beginning APC with Drupal

I’ve been looking at performance in PHP as a side project. I decided to install it on Snow Leopard, having already set up PEAR and PECL. Using pecl install apc, I downloaded APC which appeared to be fine. However when I ran some scripts, I got the error: Fatal error: Unknown: apc_fcntl_unlock failed: in Unknown […]

Reflections on improving my programming skills

I’ve been thinking about programming this week. Perhaps this comes from the new started in our team this week and the energy  boost that we’ve had from that. Might also come from the fact that I’m off to Drupalcon tomorrow morning. Either way… I caught a post on Hacker News about becoming a better programmer […]

More autocompletion with Redis and Drupal

Last week I began working on an auto-complete function using Redis behind Drupal 7 to do some auto-completing functions. I needed to get some county data, and possibly other sorts, put into some forms so that it can be standardised. One of the issues that I’ve been trying to do is to make sure that […]

Auto-completing Drupal with Redis

I’ve been working on some functions for a forthcoming site at Janet and have been looking at the user functionality in some of our forms. In a reversal of roles, I’ve been trying to find ways of making it easier for users to complete the forms for various products and services which has taken me down […]

Weeknotes: Documents and data

The main project this week (apart from hte onging one of moving and virtualising servers) is to begin work on our technical documents. I’m trying to move them onto the web and make the useful, not only in terms of reading about them but also to make them linkable. I’m trying to get them out […]