Well, prototypes of sensors. I have been playing around with the piezo sensor to measure the pressure on a surface. I have been using a milk bottle as a testing environment to act as a surrogate for a plastic surface to test the code. This goes with the rain gauge, using the HC-SR04 distance sensor. […]
Tag Archives: arduino
Weeknotes: Phones and the Environment
A couple of weeks ago, I decided to follow up a query that I had about tracing the way that the Bluetooth signal is constructed through the various layers of software and hardware. My interest is software but this does interface with hardware sensors on the phone. I took the phone apart using screw drivers […]
Weeknote: Planning, microphones, and Arduinos
I have been taking a break over the last few days, so little work to add to the notes. I did play around with an old pot of Bare Conductive paint and using their Arduino library. I do need to get some new paint but the initial idea seemed to work. As a follow up, […]