Author Archives: iain_emsley

I am a developer in the Janet web team as well as occasionally working on some Open Source projects. The views expressed on this blog are mine alone and are not to be taken as a position or comment by Janet.

Digital Tools and Makers

Mathieu Jacomy writes a good post on the development of Gephi, Science tools are not made for their users. I agree with much of this as I write tools for either my own or group research / development requirements. My own doctoral work is something to look at an issue that I am really interested […]

Machine Learning and Allusion

I went to the Voltaire Foundation and Wolfson Digital Cluster seminar on Machine Learning and the Experience of Allusion: Experiments in Classical and Eighteenth-Century Poetry yesterday by James Gawley. Beginning with the changing reader of Voltaire, from Voltaire himself to a Mechanical Turk, and contextualising the work within intertextuality as shared subject, stylistic similarity and […]

Notes on Transmediale (Saturday)

These are my notes from the Saturday sessions. The Friday notes are here. The morning started with “Deplatformization and the Ethics of Exclusion”. Eva Marie Giraud began the session talking about food and its communal politics. From this, she raised the questions about how boundaries materialise and the came back to the point that, as […]

Receiving PhD feedback

The Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities has a post on receiving PhD feedback. Mine tends to come in ink on paper which has its points. Like most people, I do find it hard when a piece comes back and its hard to find the original printing ink underneath the comments but equally this […]

Going data intensive?

As a result of a few emails and some long running thoughts, I have finally set up a small, heterogeneous cluster of Raspberry Pis. Using the 2s and 3s that I have from other projects, I put the machines together with a small switch and installed MPI with the Python bindings to test some scripts. […]

Facial Recognition and Make up

One of the Saturday talks at Transmediale discussed CV Dazzle through make up to defeat, if temporarily, facial recognition. The Guardian had a small piece, Hiding in Plain Sight, on Dazzle Club’s work using make-up and other techniques to work against it.

Notes on Transmediale (Friday)

I went across to Transmediale as it was on networks, of many types, under the End 2 End theme. Having got up some where in the very early morning, I missed the opening Exchange which turned out to be frustrating as it was heavily referenced later. Olia Liliana‘s end-to-end, peer-to-peer, my-to-me session set up a […]

25 years of blogging

John Naughton has a good piece on the 25th anniversary of blogging. It set of undeveloped trains of thought where I need to re-read some history.

The tacit problem of reproducibility

I was giving a talk at the Digital Humanities Oxford Summer School on reproducibility this year and had an intriguing question. A review of a recent conference paper reminds me of this. At the end of the lecture, I pose two questions: Can someone on your group reproduce one of your results using available information […]

Thoughts on Carpentry Connect

Having left ICAD at some ungodly hour in the morning on Wednesday, I arrived in Manchester for Carpentry Connect Manchester, organised by the Carpentries and the Software Sustainability Institute (SSI). The opening talk, Learning from the Carpentries, was given by Lex Nederbragt. It focused on building skills with practice, finding the cognitive load, and the […]