I’ve succumbed and I’ve got a microslot at the next Oxford Geek Nights where I’m talking about the Open Correspondence website. I’ve downloaded the rest of the Gutenberg copies of the Dickens letters but just need an evening to make some headway with transforming them.
I spent a fair amout of this week trying to get a status update server built using SOAP and PHP which has been an ‘interesting’ task but seems to have finally got there. Having done some debugging at home on Friday, I’ve got to test the whole thing on Monday on the test server.
I’ve also been debugging the csv uploads into the database and refactoring the code so that there is more re-use of similar objects. On top of that I started the documentation for the services and realised that I’d written most of the upload service for invoices as well. Bonus… So all I need do really is to spend a couple of days finishing things of at work so that the first versions of the services can go out.
Whilst doing all of that though, I realised that the queueing system that I was working on was only part of a solution to get all of our services working together. Instead of just queuing, I need to start thinking more along the lines of an enterprise service bus. So that’ll keep me busy then for a couple of weeks. My notebook has various notes and doodles, much to my boss’s enjoyment who thinks its all old-fashioned.
I’ve also started putting together a Trac instance for work to see if it scales and helps with ticketing and information acorss our department’s groups. It’ll probably be sidelined for this week whilst I try and get everything put together again with regards to the data uploads.
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