Weeknotes: Listening to the Air Waves

This week I bit the bullet and plugged in some machines.

I bought a HackRF One from Martin Lynch and Son with an ANT 500 antenna. I installed hackrf and gnuradio through Homebrew, which is not with out its perils. The gnuradio version (3.10) that is installed does not have the osmocom component so I need need to make some time to work out how to install it so that I can plug the Software Defined Radio (SDR) into gnuradio. However, I was able to use the -w option in hackrf_transfer to get a wav file to start with and faffed around with SciPy and Matplotlib to generate a spectrum file. Now for a bigger antenna …

I also used the Pi Eviron board and started toying with it in a bit more earnest. Had a great conversion with an ex-colleague about their potential uses and the missing parts. So next up, some experimenting with a return to power usage / monitoring and thinking about a wider project.

My policy work continues and travels onward with each iteration. It is somewhat restful and I should apply the practice to the current paper draft on the Fediverse.

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