

I am a Research Software Engineer at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies, Warwick University. My research interests include critical computation, audio in digital culture and methods, infrastructure and digital humanities.

My current projects include Unheard City , AI in the Street, and Curating Data Cultures.

I obtained my doctorate in Digital Media at the Sussex University’s School of Media, Film and Music, Distant sonification: a critical computational method for sonic analysis of digital data

I was a part time Research Assistant at the Oxford e-Research Centre, working in Digital Humanities. Previously I worked on e-Research Centre activities in Digitalr Humanities and with the Square Kilometre Array and CRISP projects and the Software Sustainability Institute.

I hold an MSc in Software Engineering from Oxford University and BA in English from Leicester. I have a Post Graduate Award in Technology Enhanced Learning from Warwick.

Orcid id:0000-0002-5805-1367


Warwick papers

Sussex papers

Oxford papers