Having come back to Humanities (but a new person in digital) from a Computer Science background where there is a culture of the pre-prints though Arxiv. I have also come across a social science version of this but so far have not come across a digital humanities version.
I do wonder then if this is circumvented slightly through the use of publishing “lab pamphlets” by Stanford (Literary Lab pamphlets) and McGill’s Txtlab (under collaborations). Or is this a sign of these labs doing something else with their time and attention? Reading the second Stanford release (Network Theory, Plot Analysis) took me to an Arxiv link for a paper that uses Marvel characters.
Perhaps there is another context to this, that of the more traditional humanities publishing journey and waiting for journal publications instead. I did some initial work using the Digital Humanities Conference public data but could only get the abstracts rather than the papers themselves. Societies such as the IEEE and the ACM among others publish the accepted papers after technical conferences. I do wonder if this creates a set of different issues but the main point being that the conference papers are available and citable.
I would dearly love to see this open up. Who knows, perhaps it might?
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